Red-tailed Hawk
The Red-tailed Hawk is the most common hawk in Ohio and the eastern United States. Look for these hawks hunting along interstate highways and open fields. The Red-tailed Hawk has a shrill, raspy scream that sounds powerful, just like a raptor is expected to sound. Whenever a hawk or eagle appears on television or in the movies, the trill cry of the Red-tailed Hawk is usually heard, no matter what species is actually appearing on screen.
Identification: An adult Red-tailed Hawk can be identified by its rust-colored tail feathers, white breast and abdomen, and a dark streaked belly band.
Average Wingspan: 49 inches
Average Weight (female/male): 1224 grams / 1028 grams
Habitat: Forests
Food: Small animals, mostly mammals
Nesting: The typical red-tailed hawk nest is situated in the fork of a large tree. Nests may also be found on a cliff or artificial structure such as a window ledge or billboard platform.