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Gift Acceptance Policy


The purpose of our gift acceptance policy is to help RAPTOR Inc. preserve donor relationships and maintain consistency when receiving unanticipated gifts.


The mission of RAPTOR Inc. is the conservation of local birds of prey via rehabilitation, education and field research.  Solicitation and acceptance of gifts is for the purpose of fulfilling our mission and supporting core programs and special projects.

a black vulture standing on the ground with it's wings outspread

Acceptable Gifts

RAPTOR Inc. is in need of items listed on our Wishlist which is published in the RAPTOR Inc. newsletter or on the Amazon Wishlist website.

Gifts may be monetary, supplies, services, stocks, bequests, real estate, life insurance policies, etc.  Consultation with legal advisors may be necessary before determination of acceptability.  Final approval for acceptable gifts is determined by the Executive Director and/or the Board of Trustees.

Restrictions on Gifts

RAPTOR Inc. reserves the right to refuse any gift that is deemed to be too restrictive in purpose or does not fulfill a need within the scope of the organization's mission.  Items may not be accepted if in poor condition or if RAPTOR Inc. does not have the capacity for storage.  RAPTOR Inc. will not accept food which our avian ambassadors or birds in rehabilitation will not consume.

an owl with a crayfish in its beak


Donations and other forms of support will generally be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, foundations, government agencies or other entities.

Legal Counsel

Prospective donors are strongly urged to see their own financial advisors and legal counsel in matters relating to their gifts, taxes, estate planning, etc.  RAPTOR Inc. does not provide personal, legal, financial or other professional advice to donors or prospective donors.  RAPTOR Inc. will seek advice from legal counsel in relation to gift acceptance when appropriate.

Donor Acknowledgement

RAPTOR Inc. uses the annual report and/or our quarterly newsletters as our primary recognition tools.  All donors contributing $100 or more will be recognized in the RAPTOR Inc. annual report or newsletter, unless the donor requests us not to do so.

RAPTOR Inc. does not share information regarding donors or prospective donors to other entities.  Requests for anonymity will be honored.

The above policy has been reviewed and approved by the RAPTOR Inc. Board of Trustees.  The RAPTOR Inc. Board of Trustees must approve any changes to this policy.

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